We help organizations and leaders deliver positive change through de‑specialized design.

Knowledge has no compartments.
We design and solve problems following a holistic approach.

We favour mindful iteration over strict design processes.

We favour continuous, goal‑oriented learning over static hyper‑specialization.

We favour timely, good solutions over lenghty, wannabe-perfect ones.

We favour ethics over money.

We helped them make an impact:

  • Save the Children
  • The Crop Trust
  • Fondazione Banco Alimentare
  • WWF
  • SOS Children Villages
  • CGIAR Gender Impact Platform
  • U.N. FAO
  • U.N. World Food Programme
  • The Vatican
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • International Livestock Research Institute

Get in touch

Drop us a line at info@fabiofidanza.com